Made by Andre Tidwell
In the music culture people either love or hate the way music sounds today. It’s either because there are not enough real instruments, or it sounds to simple; however, I feel that there is a group of people that would like to know how to make beats. Well, in the words of Pusha T, “If you know you know,” but if you don’t I am here to tell you.
Today, I will be presenting you with a video about how to make beats in FL Studio 12, by “Busy Works Beats.” Busy Works Beats aka Game has been on YouTube since 2009 and has about 2,718 videos, 616,000 subscribers and 89,806,987 views on his channel. Game is a well-known music producer that makes a lot of videos on YouTube about the different aspects of music production such as sound design, music theory, mixing, and more.
I choose to share this video with you all today because you all want to know how to make beats; interested in the process of how people make beats. I have only been making music for a year; I had to learn a lot, quick. And with countless hours of listening to music and watching YouTube videos, I have learned a lot; there is a lot more that I need to know. But this is why this platform was created to help me help you, by researching the information that is needed to be passed on to others, when needed.
Now here’s probably the most asked question when you’re trying to learn something new, “where do I start?” Well, click the video below and read the rest of this post for Busy Works explanation and my final thoughts.
How to Create Your First Beat in FL Studio 12 by Busy Works Beats
In this video Busy Works starts off talking about picking the instruments that you are going to start making your beat. Game also explains that you should be, “getting in the habit of sending stuff directly to the mixer… it is important is because you want to count for your sounds.”
Next he goes to the metronome on the top of the page and switches the bpm (beats per minute) from 140 bmp to 88 bmp to get the correct tempo that he wants to use for his song. The reason he does this is to find his rhythm, from personal experience most of the time when you first open a beat making program aka DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) the tempo is already at 120 bpm.
Say that you want to make your song slower or faster, before you do anything you need to change the tempo and click the metronome to make sure it’s clicking at the right amount of beats so you can find the right rhythm to make your song.
Next, he starts to make the first drum sequence by separating each drum (kick, snare, hi-hat, tom) to each track, so he can keep himself organized. After he gets his drums, he starts to add more instruments to give the song more dynamics like percussion, piano, and guitar.
Then, he starts to arrange the instruments together in the song to put it together by figuring out what needs to be added or taken out to give the song a proper build up into each verse and chorus.
Finally, he starts to put the sounds in place by mixing each instrument, so they can have a defined sound to fit in the song. After the final pieces have been arranged you export it in a WAV file because it has the best quality and send it to mastering and then the song is finished.
My personal advice on how to get started is figure out what your goals are as an music producer first. Do you want to be a producer that works with one artist only, a lot of artist, selling type beats, making sample packs, or trying to get major placements?
Once you figure out what type of producer you want to be, you need to start getting the information and tools that you need to get better at your craft. Whether it’s YouTube videos, books, software, instruments, or whatever you think you need to get started. Also, you NEED to know how to manage your money! You may have heard of the term “starving artist,” it exist for a reason.
The most important thing you need to be able learn is the music BUSINESS. This is what’s going to impact you most if you do or don’t know how to make money off your music. Being creative and doing it for the culture is great; if your broke and frustrated your creativity suffers, if your creativity suffers the music suffers, if the music suffers then the fun suffers, and when the fun suffers, your mind suffers.
I hope you all have learned more information about music production today, more about this will come out later. Also, I appreciate you all taking the time out of your day to read this post. Remember to subscribe to my blog for more content about capturing the sounds of everything.
Also, share, like, comment, and tell somebody your brother, father, mother, grandmother, friend, best friend, and whoever you know that will be interested in what’s going on here. I believe there’s something that everyone can learn from reading this. Peace!